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Quarks & Antiquarks

We are only going to consider three quarks.

  • up quark (u)
  • down quark (d)
  • strange quark (s)
quark table

Combinations of quarks form baryons and mesons.

Baryons – always contain 3 quarks. For example a proton contains the quarks, up up down. Whereas an antiproton contains the quarks, antiup antiup antidown.

quarks for baryons

Mesons –  always contain 2 quarks ( a quark and an antiquark). For example the p+meson contains the quarks, up and antidown.

pion quarks kaon quarks

Conservation laws for particle interactions

During particle interactions the following are conserved (the number before the interaction must equal the number after the interaction).

  • charge
  • baryon number
  • lepton number
  • strangness

Links to other pages in this topic;

Constituents of the Atom

Stable and Unstable Nuclei

Particles, Antiparticles & Photons

Particle Interactions

Classification of Particles

Quarks & Anti-quarks